Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Drawing Block 2 Project B Drawing with a Grid

This wa sour warm up exercises just trying out the grid to help us figure out how the body fits together using a grid. Think these ones worked out well, my foreshortening on the left one didn't work out as hoped but it's better than what it was before i fixed it. Craig came round and just said i've got to see it the foreshortening size in relation to the rest of the body instead of seeing how it how i want to see it. this was mostly to use less of our eye.

Another warm up excerise, again using less of our eyes. making sure we realise that our eyes don't always show the proper dimentions. Think especially from last drawing block my proportion is improving i seem to get it more correct now, as before it was just rubbish.  Trying to dim down my heavy lines, got told it looks like someone'scame along after me and just went over my lines so trying to make it look all mine.
Another try at using a grid as well as measuring everything. Think I am getting there on the foreshortening anyway this seems more in proportion to the head!.

On to our final one. Which is huge in comparison to our little studies we done before lunch that day. 
I did get told buy Craig that we were told to put everything in and I eh did not put the actuall grid in and the object placed around the figure so had to quickly apply them after our break because i focused on the face, just adding little hints of the actual grid. I was really pleased with my final image on this project I done a face side ways properly. HELL YEAH! I think by using a grid as well it definity helped my proportions as you had this refrence system.

Final Image of the Day

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