Thursday, 10 October 2013

three and half weeks at aberdeen and just visited the main art gallery...

Well I don't know what i expected but i did expect what i saw there anyway, but had a really good day with some of my uni folks - people its Scottish slang at it finest there. I think what i was most surprised at was the amount of contemporary art prices they had in the building and there was a lot of interesting painting to be seen even though there were the usual boring pretty landscapes and portraits... So here are the pieces i enjoyed the most out of my visit! ENJOY......
Ken Currie 'Gallowgate Lard' 1995-1996

Patrik Heron 'Rumbold Vertical Four: Green with Red and Blue' 1970

Clive Barker 'Head of Francis Bacon Study No 6 Head and Teeth' 1978

Louise Hopkins 'Out of My Flower Comes a Tale No 6' 1994

Julia Roberts ' Restraining Coat II Female' 1995

Tracey Emin 'For you' 2008

Alison Watt 'Riviere' 2000

Jenny Saville ''Closed Contact No 4' 1995-1996

Nathan Coley 'There Will Be No Miricles Here' 2006

Louise Hopkins 'Black Sea' 2003

Gavin Turk ' Habitat' 2004

Detail of  'I Love you Still'

Jordan Baseman 'I  Love You Still' 1994

Ian Fleming RSA RSW LLD Hon DArt 'The Creation Suite No 5' 1977

Ian Fleming RSA RSW LLD Hon DArt 'The Creation Suite No 6' 1977

Albert Irvin 'Across' 1974

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham CBE LLD RSA RSW  'Goodbye Johnny' 2000

Joan Eardley RSA 'Grasses, Fencepost, and Ditch, Catterline

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham ' Protest' 1967
So there you go my heaven of Aberdeen Art Gallery... Love how these are on my doorstep... party at Schoolhill. No but i really enjoyed myself, have to say the building is HUGE! an there is so much more honestly so get yourself through also at the Moment is the S.J Pepole The Scottish Colourist series and some of they were really quite inspiring but i wasn't aloud to take photos in that part of the museum so you'll just have to go have an explore by yourself! Loved his early really black paintings of still life and portraits think they described the images excellently - CREAMY BRUSHWORK - just loved the whole experience. Also i got some inside gossip on the gallery system of the framing of the pieces of work on display something new learned there quite shocking and i would be so angry if knew it happened to one of mine without my consent but erm im not going to say if you don't already know i wont spoil it for you. Also learned some of my old classmates from borders college will have seen some of Wilhelmina's painting or something at Hawick Museum so quite ironic to be honest that i saw some to because i was intrigued by what some of them were saying on Facebook, glad i got a look in-case i miss it when i get back home later on this year


  1. Glad to see things are going well and hey, looks like they have a good collection up there. Look forward to seeing the new work!!

  2. Oh god so sorry I didn't get back to you about the willamina exhibition, I feel so ashamed of myself! :( glad you got to see some up in Aberdeen tho! Il mayb get to go to the gallery next ime I'm up there :D il give you a bell an you can completely ignore me back :p


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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?