Monday 19 November 2012

15th Nov Photography... The Madhouse!

This afternoon i decided to go onto Photography since this morning was all on drawing. I decided it would just be best to take some photographs messing around see what i could come up with without leaving my house. my excuse i didn't want to go out in the cold. oh dear... Having not done my make-up in the morning i thought i could photograph that stage as its a mask to women, and to highlight and enhance their facial features. I tried not to take them in the posed in any way so just stood doing my make up taking snaps of myself. Then i thought about other things that aren't seen on a daily basis so i decided to take a few photos of this household in all its glory. the playful dogs, organized chaos, tea time, morning, night etc
Edited version trying duo tone feature.

Edited version trying heat map then fading it so it  merged with the initial image.To get a more subtle colour
initial image before i tried out the features before, wanted to show the make up routine as its apart of most girls day to day to make them-self look prettier, but the process isn't actually all that pretty as people just tug and pull and mask they're internal beauty with this external mask, so this was like to show someone putting this mask on their guard up ready for the day ahead

"Morning Ritual" trying to zoom in on the mouth getting everything necessary to brushing your teeth in the image.

Here i just tried zooming out, seeing if i could portray a more documentary style image .1960's effect

Tried to make this one look like i had just gotten up in the morning, and taking a more frontal view without the  zoomed up appearance

Trying another position when brushing.

Tilted my head back and took a photo, think this looks like I'm just about to spit some toothpaste out or trying to keep the toothpaste in my mouth. you can decide which. Added this affect which I've been getting quite into, adding a colour layer over the top which i contrasting and unusual then blending it so it become part of the initial image where light/dark hits the page.

wanted to take a photo from beneath, so you get a different sort of view, i then lightened it and  made the image more contrasted so you got this very unusual outline of the neck and face.

Got 2 dogs in my house and me and my brother like teasing them,  and i heard daniel teasing away in the kitchen i just sneeked in a took a photo think i was influenced by bejamin goss in this oe trying to create tension and this awkwardness for the viewer.
brushing my tongue from angle below.. more unflattering angle i do have to say but i wanted it to be that way.

Here again playing/teasing fudge with a light, wanted to show that we were up on the  table to get out his way, wanted to capture that tension and try to pretend to show a fear or something of my dog.

Here is the image above just edited with this feature i've begun to try on every photo i have on  my computer. love it . I like the way it clashes with the reality of the photograph, and adds this comic/unseen-ness and create some quite nice unusual shapes.

long exposure where i aimed at the floor and on the last second i held it up to the window, love the blurred  effect and the way the blinds cut the light into segments.

fudge was yawning here so took a photo as i wanted to show the shapes of his face and  the 'dangerous' / 'scary' appearance you get when you take photos of a dogs. then pixelated the image then faded it so you could see the image below. done this 2x.

this was the first time done it. i really likethe way the pixels obscure the image below and create quite an unusual image.

this was tooken more in motion so you can see the slight blur. but i wanted to capture his delight for playing with the light and the love in his eyes. i then wanted to darken the background as i wanted to entire focus to be on fudge, because he's just a wee cutie pie.

trying Goss' technique he used in pinch by putting the main subject matter at the edge of the image, so you don't know quite what's going on. again wanted to show that tension and a little playfulness of the composition.

Caught him when he was about to pounce decided to zoom right in so the shapes of his body didn't make sense and  so you could properly see the playfulness.

this was when he was trying to search for the light, really liked the fact he put his head down so low and you could see his legs and his eyes, showing really that pre pounce.
Pepper in his mad moment during the night,wanted to capture the  in the moment kind of  snap, by keep the editing simple and just cropped it so pepper took the whole frame and added shadows to make the shapes sharper and contrasting

Photo of my jumper from a birds eye view . wanted to create quite an abstracted  image out of something normal  and what you wouldn't really think of as abstract 

Close up of my jumper again wanted to show the creases and the way the jumper has been manipulated by the wearer, by the way it lies and folds. 

using the state of our shoe shelf as a subject matter i wanted to show the organised chaos, that lies in the house. i just liked the way the shoes lay against each other would like to zoom in though (below) to get a closer look at the forms and space the shoes create. 

Here is my zoomed up look at the forms of the shoes, wanted to keep the editing to a minimum as its quite a busy photograph and think if i over done it would just be a mess but i will have a go just to see what can get visually.

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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?