Monday 19 November 2012

Involving some animals.

As you will probably be able to tell animals are a big part of my daily life having a cat, 2 dogs and most recently a horse, we're no to short of a mad house on a normal day. Here are some photos I've taken for my photography unit involving pets and some other animals. :) In each i wanted to capture either a moment or the character of the animal, and wanted to portray the form of the animal in different ways 
Lucy using her lying on my knee getting cuddles, looking at how her paw was positioned in relation to her fur and the shapes and texture of her fur
Looking at the texture of her fur, really like the way you don't quite know what's going on here, and the colour change further makes it difficult to make out. don't know if this is just me but the pattern that comes from the fur creates a love heart... well she is my wee lucy.
different angle and view, cropped it so you got an unusual composition. Like these images as the visuals you can retrieve with something so ordinary is quite interesting and unusual

Added a pixel-ated look to further distort the initial  image and blend all areas but  faded the pixels so you got the texture from the fur through also

just wanted to try it on different images see what i  could come out of them.

and again here.

Adding the heat map effect but again faded it  so it merged more with  the  initial image, to get a realness but the effect was to distort and change the image, making it more surreal.

Close up on her face, wanted to  get the detail of each hair, and wanted to show her trust ,  when she's lying on my knee without showing all of her. this sort of composition was to extend the innocence of the moment.

Decided to bring out the cropping just a little so you got all of her face. again to make her  seem innocent and fragile show every detail.

Decided to have a go of the pixel effect again but tried it on a different type of image, her i liked the way  with her paws up in the air how they compositionally could work and show how they are in relation to each other. the pixel effect was initially tried on this image
The next couple of images of the horse, which i came across on a farm i was visiting, at this point i had just researched bill Brandt and his style was used here, to make the different areas of the horse and its surroundings into a sort of abstracted sculpture of reality.
wanted to explore the shapes of the horses nose here. the one below i think works better though. as you don't see  all the lumps and bumps of the nose to its full.

think these last to shows create quite funny images as the way the horse is looking up  over the gate make the perspective of its head get enhanced and creates quite exagerated shape, which i like.

here i wanted to try and make the animal look sad as it was held in a stable, so i used the gate to create a barrier between the horse and the light that's coming from inside. Benjamin Goss was also an inspiration here. trying to create that tension and awkwardness that may or may not be there.

Heres the one i prefere out of the nose shots, i like that you get this glimmer of the eye and the mouth now becomes part of the image, you get more of sense of the animal but i like the exaggerated form of the nose and how you can see everything in it.

made this image like this as i wanted to highlight the  fabric that pepper sleeps on a show its comfiness to him as its  taking over most of the image, but also didn't want to show all of him and just show the fact he is asleep and curled up, trying to make this more like a peek in situation photograph

playing around when pepper was in sleeping mode, liked the texture clash between his fur and the fabric, wanted here to exaggerate it and make the degrees of black and white very solid and not as detailed pointing out the clash of texture.

here i was trying to make the shapes more exaggerated and try to take the image from looking like a dogs snout and a fabric and make it look like they've merged into one form. like how the shapes of each element have contrasted against each other and produced this unusual/weird image.

initial image of above, before editing exploration
When Pepper is curled up into a ball sleeping his fur reflects the light so i wanted to exploar this an make an abstracted image by highlighting the form and the way the lights hit his coat.

this was trying out a contre-jour type of photograph as i wanted to highlight the shape of the ears and the overall outline of the horse. tryed to keep it in context as well but keeping in the gate and the flower to make it seem more like the environment i was in

Here i wanted to have a go at just zooming in to see what  the camera could see, with the contre-jour style .

This was a cat i found on the farm and kept following me so i decided to walk and try to take a photo at its level  for the cat to be following the viewer and make its size more exaggerated to real life and dramatic

Thanks for reading :)
Annie x

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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?