Thursday 15 November 2012

Drawing... a review on Ludwig Kirchner

Deciding to look at Ernst Ludwig Kirchner I thought about  how he captures theses figures in movement as it seems like they are doing something as the image is being drawn. I love the freeness and the quick look about these drawings and how he captures the figure in them. . I liked that he drew his drawings spontaneously and it looks like he had a need to get these images down on paper. I thought this session on Kirchner would free me up and help me just think about getting the image down onto the paper as fast as possible not worrying about what the final image would look like. I didn't get round to using ink in my explorations but i used pen in many forms as i knew it would still be a task for me not to rub something out and edit the image after it was done initially. I decided to look upon his drawing "Mannerkopf rauchend 1920" as i like the way the lines seem so free and with out worry and how he creates this quick line drawing even without shading is really representative and visually interesting to look at.

Here I'm not going to comment on each one as it wasn't at all about how it looked in these explorations it was just about getting an image through observation down onto the paper. As fast and as  much like Kirchner as possible (Even though i could never get as good as him.) I feel n my stages that the amount of lines has steadily decreased as i became more confident that the line i was doing was the right one as at the start it was very sketch and quite awkward in a way, as you second guess yourself. I wouldn't say these were my best drawing though as I'm comparing them to a master of drawing and his are so much better than what i could ever do. But i think learning his technique and using it to draw in his style has helped me be more confident in the lines down and not to worry if the image doesn't look 100% like the original or object, its about what i see and what i decided to put down.

Thanks for reading :) 
Annie x

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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?