Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Photoshop? Me? No way?

So my group had a 2 hour I.T lesson in Photoshop today yayy! Finally might get a grasp of this thing, think I got the hang of the basic functions to be honest but don't ask me in 2 weeks cause I probably wont remember a thing but I did write down some commands down so I'm not a complete plonker when it comes to Photoshop in the future... fingers crossed anyway. Quite pleased with my images but in the lesson I couldn't remember how to change the size of things you pasted onto the image so i had to just play around with composition. I don't think it something Painters would usually go to as its so not painting but I think it really could help later on! We're getting commercial and institutionalised with the use of Photoshop in these times seems to be used for everything! but I thought I would give it a go. Like the play on the images used and how I feel with my experience to Photoshop being very sarcastic in my titles here!
Like an eagle in the sky.

Like a Duck on Water I

Like a Duck on water II

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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?