Saturday, 11 May 2013

Art Amatoria at Duns Castle

Today along with my mum we went along to the 5th annual exhibition at Duns Castle, - first time I've been in Duns Castle by the way... love it! - something I never even knew happened and I live in Duns! talk about the publicity around this place.- Anyway as I was there I came across William Foyle's work which out of all, of I probably most admired - along with David Hay and Lucy Parsons - so I came home after the exhibition and pondered on the internet finding out he dropped out of Edinburgh College of Art to go paint in London, lived in Earlston and was born in 1993 -same age- and seriously is getting recognized out in the big wide world. Jealous is putting it lightly here.
Here's his website:
Just shows anyone even from a quite place such as the borders in context of the major cities can make it. Well Done William Foyle.
 Inspiration to keep going... CHECK!
Also check out the exhibition at Duns Castle on this weekend 11th & 12th May 2013 and next weekend 18th & 19th May through the week you have to make an appointment. Heres Art Amartoria's website also for more details.
Thanks for reading
Annie :)

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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?