Monday 3 December 2012


What I've Decided To Do!

So Block 1 is nearly at an end and in photography I think I've finally came to a conclusion about where I'm going to go after experimentation and development. Through out the whole unit, the photographs that take most interest to me are the raw and the photos that tell the truth of reality, and enhance it for the viewing public. Like something very taboo in daily life sort of giving away a piece of information about the artists self and a "looking through the key hole" type effect, I like that sort of photography, whether that be in chemical editing, photodynamism,  abstracted, distorted, home photos edited, close-ups etc, and I've kind of seen that continuation of exploring these types of photography and apply it to my own in my experiments later on after researching and trying out different styles from different photographers. The really gritty photography that actually has something to say no matter how difficult is the photography i want to do and want to explore.

This realisation finally came after taking photos and putting them outside in the rain, for the elements to take over the fate of them, and myself letting go of trying to keep them hidden and safe in a way. Before i was kind of struggling to see how i could continue and develop into my final images.. now realising i hadn't found what i was looking for!

These photos were purposely chosen to be put out in the rain.. there aint no random choosing here! I really like the grittiness and the affect rain and mother nature has on these photos. Literally making them photographs using location.I liked the "forgotten about" feel of them and the distortion from the bleeding of the ink over the photo. Making the photos quite un-nerving and haunting in a way. Everyone that's came across them are just like eh why? Are they supposed to be like that... Eh YEAH! I like the way I'm literally bringing the internal to the outside world. It sort of shows the public reaction to the photo or how you feel everyone will judge something, making it difficult for them to see the initial image and sort of questioning it to much, and bringing it down.

Left in rain over night.

Left in rain 2 hours 30 minutes.

Left in rain 1 hour.

Left in rain 30 minutes

Left in rain 5 minutes.
 Here in the next 3 photos are how the photos look from the back, i really like the bleeding of the ink through the paper so i thought i would make it available to see in my sketchbook. I also like the way the light shines through sort of distorting the image even more from its original state. Don't know it this will be continued onto the final images or not though. Trying to wait for the right weather to stick photos on photo paper out in rain, to see if it has the same affect or if its better on paper.
Back of 5 minute photo

Back of 30 minute photo.

Back of 1 hour photo.
 The next few photos have been i guess chemically edited with bleach. I initially got the idea from looking at morcandage, and know from experience bleech takes away colour from things and is quite dangerous to us.
The bleach i used.
At first i mixed water with the bleach in the sink to see how it would turn out and find it to be discoloured but doesn't have the desired affect. After i then had the thought of pouring it straight onto the photo and after it has developed abit more the affect is quite striking and is something I'm taking on to the final images.

Initial image of the water and bleach photo
Top: Finished image of water and bleach photo.
Bottom, Initial image of pouring bleach straight onto it.
Developed image of the bleahced images straight onto the photograph
After an hour of having bleach on it.
I really like the way it looks like a kind of chemical imbalance  and spirit changing the surface to a worn and burned down feeling about it. Certainly using this technique on final images 

Thanks for reading 
Annie x

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic images using bleach and the rain ones are interesting too!!!


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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?