Tuesday 18 December 2012

Drawing... a Review on Picasso

Sorry haven't been on this a while, mostly because the brother and mother have been on when i want to, and I'm doing other college work. So over the past few weeks i have been getting on with completing all the 10 artists we had to look at for drawing from observation. I decided to look at Picasso as going to the exhibition a month or 2 ago i was really intrigued by how he completes such confident lines in pictures that don't look horrible like the first ones that i had done. Ohh they are bad! So here they are.Laugh away....

A ogre with a twitch! that is seriously like what first two look like. Can you tell I'm new to this style? Think i got the wrong ratio between looking at the object/image and looking at my drawing. think i was too focused on the image here so everything is like so exaggerated  Quite nice effect blind drawing has as you have no clue what the end result is going to look at. Should take quick glances to the page of the drawing to make sure my hand is in the right place... Cant look to much at the drawing though because then you aren't really drawing from observation and more imagination and expectation You can see development though through these drawings, but Picasso must or practised a hell of a lot to get as good as he got, because his images lines are flawless, there's no hesitation. WANT TO GET LIKE THAT!

Think these are definitely an improvement but I've notices the top half works better than the bottom. I'm seeing to make the bottom half too short. Also you can see there was abit of hesitation on No.9. The arms seem to short also in comparison to the head. I decided to use a bold pen for this as you can't rub out and change with out showing and the bold pen has that nice soft nib which smoothly goes over the paper. The pen did start to go by No 9 maybe i'm pressing too hard on the nib as well.

I feel No.10 and No.11 are the best out of all the images here, feel the posture of the body seems to have more flow ad is less all over the place and stumpy. I feel I'm sort of hurrying that's why limbs are too short in proportion to the rest of the figure, need to learn to slow don't in making art as i have realised im quite quick in doing things.. thank you  Higher Art, even though that may not be a bad thing i need to reassure myself that not everything needs to be done in such a hurry. No 14 seem to have jut went all weird, i was just trying to squeeze it on the paper NOT TO SELF: GET NEW PAPER WHEN RUN OUT! Still have ages to go on this type of drawing definitely not the strongest style of drawing on my part. But I've tried to explore it further in my sketchbook. Having a go at other peoples work you definitely realise the skill that these people have and how hard it is to try at their style and get even a slightest grasp on their way of practise.
Feel trying out the Picasso line drawing style was to try and help me get more confident in what I'm putting on the paper and don't second guess and hesitate to often and get the right balance between looking at image and the drawing you are producing. Slight glances now and again but don't stare at the drawing!  I have explored line drawing more in my sketchbook, and feel this has jump started in trying to get better at that technique.. But Picasso you know he was amazing at what he done, and shows that practise makes perfect.
Thanks for reading!
Annie x

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Life is art. Art is Life. Thats all you need to know! A mad woman with an imagination?