Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Drawing... a review on Saville(Thats Jenny Saville)

I decided to look at Jenny Savilles work as I really like the movement and the time lapse appearance but also how she draws all her subject matter at weird angles, and draws figures that are larger than 'normal', but also draws them larger than life. I really like how she has this nice clean confident line about them and how they sort of hit you in the face. Over the course of the drawings i hoped to get better at drawing at unusual angles and keep the form and the volume of the figure, as before I can make things look quite flat. I want to get the volume correct and hopefully learn how to do this as not everything will be at a portrait and 3/4 angles.

WARNING THESE ALL ARE REALLY BAD! dont laugh too much hopefully
Right so i'm over how crap all these are and i'm just gonna go with it dont think i'm ever going to get used to this type of drawing. But anyway. It was really hard to do this with charcoal, as i didn't have ink on me or any type of washable pen to get the shading she does on her portraits, The face is very flat so i went on to TRY and master that before i go onto trying other areas.Also i've made her boobs go in 2 different dirrections, and the hand looks very like giant like... quite laughable howw bad this is.

So erm.. this is no better, but i got to try out ink which was nice,  the face still is relly flat even though there is some definition of the volume and form, still really bad in retrospect. Need to work on the shading oof the form to look 3D in these types of drawings anyway.

Have to say this is better! Though she looks like she's been in a fight and her neck is too small for the head it looks more human and normal than the previous 2. Hopefully i'm getting there with this, or somewhere out the really shite drawings. Needs a lot of work still of volume definition of the form and where the forms are going

Tried to shrink down the lips here sort of worked which is quite good, but still need to get smaller!, think the top of her face is alot better also seem to have more definition in the way the form is, the chin area could do with some work as i've made her have no jaw, thank god shes got a larger neck though, bit more stable. BUT WHATS WITH THE BADLNESS? Ehh add hair Annie

Okay this one has jjust turned out wrong, i tried to give her some cheek bone like she does in the initial image but it  looks like shes got a deformed head, also jaw needs to be lengthened so that its a skul shape face, wheres the hair Annie. Hoping it grows back soon anyway. Mouth i too far oer to th left of the face and the chin is too far to the right, need to align these up.

Biit better, her moith lines up with her nse and eyes but not her face and chin, move even more in line. Also lengthened the jaw a bit more which i think you can tell , but still needs  to get longer, chin in retrospect isn''t going anywhere fast! thankfully the mouh is more align with the shape of the fface and she doesn't look like shes got a deformed head as much. Lips still need to be smaller though ( taking there time). I did try to add more definition with the shadows which i think has helped but still needs alittle bit more work as its not exactly correct to Savilles images and real life.
This ones turned out okay as well, think I've fixed some of the problems  the shading of the form is much better and it actually looks like its got volume  even though it could be more contrasted, but that's not that important when you can't even get the form in the right direction, Still that chin, not happening. i think what was happening was that i was looking at the original and you can clearly see this very angular line at the right side so I've sort of token that to the extreme. Thankfully though the neck and the colar bones have sorted out from the first one. still need to add more hair though but atleast it looks like sshe has some in this one.

I decided to finish up there with the trying of Jenny Saville. I was getting so frustrated with it so i'll probarly come bcck to it when that frustration hass left me in a couple of months. I'm glad that things have improved though from they first tries as they were just sooooooooo bad, was unbelieveable. I think i've got a better grasp on drawing the human form at unusual angles though i'm far from being good at it. I've learned though that jenny saville must be very gifted as a draughtsman as its so difficult to do these angles and make them look realistiic and not look like weird doll things, like mine ended up looking like. Also i''m glad that i continued as after i ddone that first one i was ready to give up and i think you can see that in the second one. But i made mysellf continue as i know that to get anywhere you need to practise, to make yourself better.

Thanks for reading :)

Annie x

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